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Looking back it’s something most of us do. It is our nature as we move forward to look back at what was left behind. Leaving a familiar site or facility is always difficult. The familiar always makes us feel warm and comfortable and safe. Breaking away is when it becomes a task. Yes, breaking away.

The past, or the familiar always grips you like a manmade claw designed just for you to take a hold on your entire life. When this claw grips you, it doesn’t just grip your circumstances, it grips everything. You cannot see its hideous form, but you can feel its affect and terrible aftermath.

Our heavenly Father, God, is always present and right on time in all of our uneasy circumstances in life. No, we cannot see Him, but we can feel God’s presence and the beautiful result of His good will and pleasure for our lives. God has a marvelous purpose for you! God’s ways are passed finding out. We may not ever understand His ways, but we must comply with them.

One of the most rewarding things, as a Christian, is not to ask God why, but to say yes. “Yes, Lord, I comply to your will and to your way.” That is when we will start to see good results! That’s when everything around us will start to bloom like a magnificent flower bud. Life unfolds as a bud. Life never reveals all that God has for us at once. It will gradually open little by little, just as a flower bud. If you take a flower bud by your hand and try to cause it to bloom with your fingers, the flower bud will certainly die. Flower buds have to be watered by heaven or man. That’s when they will start to bloom perfectly. Without water, flowers will die.

We, the body of Christ, are like a lovely flower. We have to be watered. Our journey with the Lord is even so. We the body of Christ are being watered by the Holy Spirit. It is the Spirit of the Lord that waters us by the word of God. As we surrender and let the Holy Spirit nourish our souls, then we will begin to blossom like a beautiful flower bud. Amen.

Many of you are saying, “I feel like a cactus in a desert.” My beloved, God in heaven can certainly cause a cactus and a flower to bloom in the desert. You just have to believe that with God nothing is impossible! If you are in a dry place, God can cause your desert to become a pool. A pool is a small body of standing water; pond; stream. God can take a desert, your personal, unpleasant, dry situations, and turn it into a small pool just for you and no one else.

There have been times when there were draughts in the land, even a famine, and you have observed your surroundings only to see that there is a pool in your yard, in your home and in your workplace. Where everyone else seems to be at odds, you see the multiple blessings of your pool in a desert. God is no respector of persons, but if it is your time, it is your time. Don’t ponder, or wonder, at the work of God in your life. Rejoice, I say, rejoice, it is your time!

God is calling all of those with a purpose. The purpose that He put in you before the foundation of the Earth was laid down. It’s time and the time is right now! Are you ready to go where God is calling you? Are you ready to say what God wants you to say? Will you follow the glory of God that’s in you and with you? Wherever the Holy Spirit takes you, will you go? I hope you said yes. Like the flower and its bloom, it’s a walk of faith. Like the flower in the desert, it’s a miracle. Like the pool in the desert, it will be in your season. It’s time, it’s your season! God is making his final rounds. Hallelujah! Our time is running out, whatever you are going to do for God, you need to do it right now! Whatever God is calling you to do, you need to do it right now! Those of you who do not know the Lord, salvation is here. You need to make a decision right now. Not tomorrow, or next week, right now. Will you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior today? If so, invite Jesus into your heart today.

The whole world has an agenda. We either are saved or not saved, that’s the whole truth. Those who are saved, God has given us His grace and hope in Him to help others to salvation. Those who do not know Jesus, it is up to you today to know Him as your Lord and Savior. Jesus is about to return for His church, are you ready? Have you done all that you are supposed to do for Him? Is your life a living testimony for Jesus? Are you living holy, set apart from the world, so the world can see that you are not a part of the world, that they will come to Christ by your sanctification? The world will only follow you if you are walking upright, believe it. The world studies us. Why should one leave the world for the world? But they will leave the world for Jesus if you let them see Him in you. It’s time, church. Don’t look back, hurry before it’s too late. Amen.

“The wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for them; and the desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose” (ISAIAH 35:1).

“And the parched ground shall become a pool, and the thirsty land springs of water:” (ISAIAH 35:7).

“(For he saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee: behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation)” (II CORINTHIANS 6:2).

To God Be the Glory,

Helen Trower

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