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The Greatest Decision

It was a rocky road for me growing up and losing my two younger brothers in a tragedy. It was heartbreaking. Somehow, I survived through elementary school with this in my mind and in my heart, but God and his mercies, and his grace, got me through it. My collegiate years were challenging like most who went to college. This is where the adversary will wait for you at the gates of your new horizon, away from your home and family, to your new life.

Leaving home and going to college, or starting your new life away from your home and family can be truly overwhelming. It is as if you were literally thrown out to survive on your own after eighteen years or so, to take care of yourself. If you chose college, you have the campus life and dorm living, which can be a comfort and accountability. Nevertheless, you are free to go wherever you want and do whatever you please. There are always a lot of choices, you pick and you choose. This is the same for those who choose not to go to college and leave on your own to start your new life. There will always be a lot of choices or decisions you have to make. You pick and you choose. Some are good and some are not so good. Some of us choose the path of education and others choose entrepreneurships or trades. Whatever you choose, it was all in the making of God’s plan in your life.

Many of God’s people are reluctant about their choices that they have made. The people they chose to be in their lives and the decisions that they had to make at pivotal points in their life. Decisions are mandatory, we make them every day: coffee or tea; breakfast or not; new hairstyle or the same; bright and pick me up outfit or the typical; walk the dog this morning or later; shortcut to work or regular route; decisions, decisions, every second of our lives.

The great thing about decisions are that they can always be altered or changed depending on your situation. There will be many regrets to decisions that we all have made. The most wonderful concept about making wrong decisions is that you can turn around and make another decision that is much better the next time around.

If you are in an unhealthy or toxic relationship, you know you have to get out of it. This is obviously a relationship you decided to be in. It doesn’t matter how much someone wants to be your friend or your spouse, or even an employer, requiring your excellent expertise to be a part of their company, you have to make a decision if you want this for you. We choose what houses we live in, and the churches we attend, and our social circles, are all of our decisions. It doesn’t matter if you are a CEO or a plumber, it is your decision what you have decided to be in this life. That’s a lot of power within our own rights, and God has given this power to us for his glory. You say, I would like to work in the corporate ladder to great success, but has God called you to do that? Or has he called you to have your own small business or work for someone else who has a small business? It’s all in God’s making when he created you.

Unfortunately, we all have made poor choices and decisions in our lives, one time or another. Many of God’s people are simply just stunned at their lives because of the decisions they have made. The adversary will speak to your minds and roll this mental image of your entire life, retrospectively, reminding you of all of your bad choices and tell you that your life is a total wreck because of all of the wrong decisions that you have made. This type of thinking can affect your entire life and rob you from the joy that God attended for you to have.

The adversary will speak to your mind and tell you that if you had not eaten this way when you were younger, you would not have the sickness that you struggle with, or if you didn’t eat so much of this, you would not have a weight issue. All of these accusations are the accuser of the brethren, the enemy of our souls. These were and are some of our daily decisions we make every day concerning our food choices and the consumption that we intake. Yes, there are times that we have made bad decisions and choices; a rich pastry opposed to a piece of fruit; a fatty diet instead of a diet filled with lean meats and whole grains and vegetables. These are all decisions that we make daily, but, our heavenly Father God in heaven wants you to know whether you decide to choose a poor diet or a bad relationship, spouse, friend, social circle, the good news is that you can always begin again. Start right now!

Noone is ever bound when it comes to their choices. Hallelujah! If you have decided to be in a relationship that is dangerous or stripping away your joy, then you can get out of it! Marriage is holy and forever. This is something we do not want to walk away from. God hates divorces, but you say, “I am in a dangerous situation. I made a terrible decision. I am in deep water and my life is in danger concerning my marriage.” By all means, please find refuge and safety and get to someone who can help you. There are always refuge organizations to help those who are being abused. God will help your marriage status later. Safety first. Although that was your decisions to make, that particular person or spouse, God can still make it beautiful, whether you reconcile or not. You just have to make the decision not to be in danger or in harm’s way any longer. That’s the light of that matter. It’s all about decisions. God can take every bad decision and make it good. Simply ask Jesus to help you make the right decisions. Acknowledge him in all of your ways and he will establish your path.

We have all made bad decisions. They are a daily routine, every second, every minute, we have to make a decision. But there is one decision that man (mankind) does not make, and that is your DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). This all comes by your genetics. God put his DNA in all mankind and it produces your DNA. We are all God’s people and we all originated from Adam and Eve. God in heaven miraculously put his DNA in Adam and Eve and breathed life into them and they became a living soul. When it all comes down to it, we are all God’s people and he is our God. We cannot decide who we are, this is one thing that we have no control of. That is the only decision in this world that you have no choice with. Please accept who you are and be true to it. You can play dress up, you can play a role, you can be successful or not, when it’s all over and done, it is God in heaven that has put his dreams in our hearts and we will simply live them out because God put in us to will and to do and to bring out his good pleasures.

We will make our own decisions, good or bad, but God wants you to know that he sees all of your triumphs and falls. The good thing about triumphs is that there will always be room for more, and falls are marvelous. This is when Jesus picks you up, dust you off, and says, “Try again, but let me help you. Let me be your Savior, let me be your Lord, all men need a Savior. Let me save you from all of your sins. I paid the price for you already. I shed my blood for your sins, all of them. They nailed me to the cross. I paid the price for you. All of your chastisement, I took it. All of your pain, I took it for your peace and your healing. It’s paid in full. I, Jesus, love you, and my Father in heaven.”

God’s DNA is in all men. When you receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, as he stated above, you will become a new person and the old things will pass away. Your bad decisions are all gone, you will be not reminded of them anymore, because of the blood of Jesus that was shed on the cross washed away all of your sins. All things are new now and good. Once you become born-again, you will have a new DNA and there will never be any more bad decisions because once you’re born-again, all things work together for the good. That’s so marvelous! No one wants to endure pain, physically or emotionally, where bad decisions are concerned, but receiving and believing that Jesus is the Son of God qualifies you to be children of God: a Christian, a new creature in Christ Jesus!

I know I will see my brothers again. Although their tragedy was not a decision or choice, but, nevertheless, I will still see them again because all things work together for the good because I have a new DNA in Christ Jesus: the greatest decision I’ve ever made. Amen.

“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new” (II CORINTHIANS 5:17).

“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose” (ROMANS 8:28).

Glory be to God,

Pastor Helen Trower

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