
Kent and I followed the red arrows as they pointed to our destination, arrow after arrow, then we saw the sign that read “Chapel Here”, as we walked down the semi-long pathway. We were a bit flustered because we were running a little late for a memorial service. Kent and I were both a little frazzled. No one wants to walk into a memorial service late, but the road detours and construction delayed us in an unfamiliar area.
We could have given God many thanks for our safe and unharmed arrival as we often do with all of our destinations, but we were a little distracted because we were a few minutes late. As we were walking, bewildered, down the path, frustrated and amazed. As I looked up and saw this mid-average height, older African-American man standing at the glass door with white gloves on in a distinguished manner. His face was as he had lived a long life and had many stories to tell about it. As we approached him, his mouth had no smile, but his words were kind and loving as he spoke and said, “Good morning”, as he held open the door which allowed Kent and I to enter.
His elderly face had many stories to tell only if you could sit down to listen to him. I know he could have told us a thousand stories and many lessons to be learned for our course of this life. Oh how I was intrigued with his composure and refinement as he stood on duty for this lovely memorial service that we were attending.
Kent and I graciously slipped in the door, trying to be unassuming because were a few minutes late. I quietly said to the usher, “Are we late? Did the service start already?” and he said, “Yes, you are late.” And I said, “Oh no, how late?” and he said, “A half-hour, but you are fine,” as he stretched forth his arms and guided us to the assembly line with the others. Somehow that gave me great relief, but yet I had compassion on us all who were late. As I looked at the older usher he had a pleasant smile as to say “you are just fine, there are others late too.”
As we were standing outside of the chapel in reverence to the pray inside, everyone stood in homage for the respect of the service inside the chapel. Tones were hushed and dampened as some quietly whispered. And then, I saw on my peripheral vision a flash of white and it was an older gentleman, the usher, with the white gloves, making symbolic gestures in a peaceful fashion as he was quietly talking to a coworker. I turned to look as he was slightly bent over, captivated with his own words, to the coworker, which asked him how he was. And his response was as he slightly leaned over with enthusiasm and widened eyes, so quietly, “I am blessed” and again he leaned even closer, engaged saying, “I am blessed.” Then he proceeded to say in a quiet tone, “You know with everything I have done, I am still here. And God saw that it was still good to keep me here. God is still blessing me after all these years. I must be alright to God to still be here to tell about it.” Well, my spirit exploded and I said, “I knew he was a story teller. I knew it!” It was all on his face the moment that I saw him, although it was hidden behind his duties as an usher.
I was astonished by his composure and graveness as he whispered how blessed that he was. Under no uncertainty did he ever doubt what he had done in his life prevented him from the blessing that he was entitled to. He reminded me of my late grandfather and the grandfathers in the church. To see the fruit of one bearing (bringing) an old age is a marvelous thing. God promise us in his word that we will bring forth fruit in our old age. This type of fruit that God is speaking of is the blessing. The word of God also tells us that when we bring forth this fruit (blessings) in our older age that it comes from being planted (stability in one location) in the house of God. This particular covenant that God made with his people is due to our dedication and loyalty in our local churches or as he has placed us to be a blessing to his people. When we are stable in any area (the church) this is where we grow and also where fruit (blessings) are manifested and only then.
If you plant a tree and water it and then you decide to move it and plant it somewhere else and water it, and then you uproot it again and plant it somewhere else and water it, how could the tree ever grow to its potential. Oh, it may grow, but only a little. It will never grow to its full potential if you keep uprooting the tree. This is for certain how it is with the body of Christ. You have to have consistency and stability in order to develop properly. Relocating from church to church can be afflicting to the soul and damaging to your potentials in the Lord Jesus Christ. It’s only when we are planted in a particular church that we are able to be a blessing to others. It is the word of God.
Perhaps you have your own ministry. This is marvelous and although overseers and customs oftentimes may transfer you or relocate you to a different church or even to another state or country, this is always a move of God and not of man. God knows what his people need, and he knows who needs to bring it to them. Evangelism is global and good. Relocating your ministry or your church can be fundamental and necessary to ministers to bring fruit where there is a lack in some areas of the world, especially when the pastor or the staff has been walking with the Lord for a long time and even in old age.
As we all grow and become older, we will all bring or bare fruits in God’s courts. Court is defined, an extended royal household and a monarchy, including all those who regularly attend in a monarch or another central figure. Considering the church, our central figure is Jesus Christ. God is supreme and omnipotent, and everyone that is a Christian is in God’s court. Our heavenly Father God is no respecter of persons: everyone is a priest and royalty to him. When we are planted in God’s court (the church) God supernaturally gives us fruit (blessing) through the older members in our church, not the youth, but the older. What a revelation. The youth are incredible. They have their purpose and their station and it is so, but God also has the same for the elderly. It’s all so spiritual.
The elderly live to tell the story. They have been planted to serve in the church and not in the world. Oh yes, there are some of God’ people who go to and from different churches and are not planted (dedicated) to any church, but they plant themselves in worldly circumstances. We all have to be ever so careful not to be planted into anything outside of the church. This would include any corruption in social media, perverseness in the workplace, giving into private temptations of the adversary, and making sure we always shun all manners of evil. All of these things will hinder you from bearing (giving) any type of blessing to God’s people or embracing it for yourselves. Our God dwells in heaven and he is holy. God is not a hip God, he is a holy God, reverence him! Therefore, be good children of God. If you are bound by any type of sin and you are saved, repent and ask God to forgive you and he will loose you from that sin. The price has already been paid for you. Jesus Christ shed his blood on the cross for your sins to be forgiven. Just ask and God will set you free today!
Kent and I were ever so blessed to be in God’s court at the moment that the older usher was bearing precious fruit about how he had made many mistakes and how God had forgiven him and he is still blessing him to this day. Everyone couldn’t hear because he was very quiet and private, but I heard. The little old man (usher) knew all of his sins were forgiven and they were washed away with the precious blood of Jesus Christ. Kent and I were honored to be at that beautiful memorial service at the court of our God and to eat the fruit that the little old usher had brought forth. As we were leaving, the little old gentleman (usher), once again, held the door open with his dashing uniform and white gloves, this time with a twinkle in his eye, as to say, I know you now know the secret to being blessed. Amen.
“Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper” (PSALM 1:1-3).
“Those that be planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God. They shall still bring forth fruit in old age; they shall be fat and flourishing;” (PSALM 92:12-14).
Glory Be To God,
Pastor Helen Trower