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Without a Shadow of a Doubt

It is most fundamental to trust in something besides yourself. Our entire being is based on what we believe or what we do not believe. Every concept that we take in or rediscover comes from an inner yearning of what we value in most cases, what we believe. Belief is a powerful tool to one’s advantage and came be often used to harm others as well as ourselves. When you believe in anything it will take just about all that you can muster as a human being to declare it. Belief is more powerful than we tend to think.

In our own finite minds, we can often feel that to believe in something is easy or effortless. On the contrary, to believe in anything it usually takes a lifetime to put that sort of trust in something or someone. Believe is defined “to accept something as true; feel sure of truth of.” To consider a situation is true in an object would be, for example: a ball is placed on a table. One person says the ball is blue and the other person says the ball is green. This would be the second definition to the word believe, “to hold something as an opinion, think, or suppose.” The first definition of believe is targeted to a situation or individual, wherefore, to trust to a perfect truth, without a doubt.

Doubt is defined, “to be uncertain about or consider questionable, or unlikely hesitate to believe.” This is the type of belief a non-Christian embraces and holds firm to. A Christian’s entire life is based on the belief that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. This type of belief takes an entire lifetime to conclude. Whatever age you are, it took from the time you were born, to the moment you declared that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God. Even if you receive Jesus in your heart as a child and believe this, it would take years later for you to truly discover the beauty of full salvation, although it was yours the moment that you accepted him in your heart.

It will be the maturity of your adolescence and your adulthood that will help you understand this marvelous gift of salvation. Every ounce of your fiber all consist to your one moment in time when you were enlightened and believe that it is true that Jesus is the Christ and the Son of God.There really isn't any preparation for this moment of the occasion. It is a peaceful and private decision. You do not get up and declare one day, “I will believe that Jesus is the Son of God”, or write it on your calendar that “this date I will make my confession”, nor is there a lot of thinking on this matter. It all starts when Jesus walks in the room that you’re occupying, whether you have listened to a sermon about Jesus on television, radio, or social media. Jesus will show up when it is time to make your decision. It will be the day that salvation comes to your home, or it can be at your workplace, or church, in most situations.

It isn’t uncommon for Jesus to walk into the room that you are in. You may not see him, but you feel his presence. Then, God Almighty will lead you to a church service or he will have one of his servants or disciples to approach you gently and ask you, “Do you believe? Do you know the truth now?” Are you ready to confess that Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior?

Today, right now, Jesus is in the room with you. Now. Are you ready? Do you believe that Jesus died on the cross and shed his blood for the remission (forgiveness) of your sins and the whole world? Do you believe? Jesus is standing there, in the room with you, with his arms wide open. Jesus loves you and he did it all for you if you were the only person in the world. Jesus died just for you because God loves you. Will you accept what Jesus has done for you and the world? If so, confess this prayer out loud:

“Dear God. I believe that Jesus died for my sins. I repent of all of my sins. God forgive me of my sins. Jesus come into my heart. Wash me with your blood and make me clean. I believe God that you raised Jesus from the dead and he is alive and is sitting on your right hand in heaven. Amen.” Thank you Jesus! You are saved. Hallelujah!

You will doubt many things in life, many. But your salvation is as a rock. You will never doubt God about this wonderful decision you have just made. Jesus Christ will return for his church (Christians) and we will wait patiently for his return to be presented as faultless to our God and our Father in heaven, without a shadow of a doubt. Amen.

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning” (JAMES 1:17).

“Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen”(JUDE 24-25).

To God Be the Glory,

Rev. Helen Trower

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