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A Splendid View

It is simply marvelous to picture a beautiful imagination or sort. The mind, one once said, is a beautiful thing, and so it is. Our mind can take us to any parts of the world and therein. The human mind is phenomenal in every sense of its being. The human mind can hold memories; the part of an individual that feels, perceives, thinks, wills, mental qualities of a person or a group, intellectual ability. It is the mental qualities that the Lord would have us to minister to you.

Mental qualities are often aroused by our curiosity or our imaginations. Imaginations are very much a part of the mind. Imagination is the act of power of forming a mental image of something not present to the senses or not previously known or experienced - a mental image: a creation of the mind. Our imagination can be most wonderful when used in the proper and right way. Our heavenly Father God, in heaven, gave all humanity an imagination which comes from the mind. Therefore, what are we to do with this most interesting creation that is not an organ of the human body, but yet it exists in our bodies?

Every aspect of the human body is to be used with functions and proper illustration. For example, all humans have arms and legs. It is not proper to parade around kicking and hitting other humans because we can strike with our limbs with force to harm someone. This is wrong and inhuman, but yet we as humans have arms and legs for other good purposes; walking, running, playing sports, exercising and many of us use our limbs for our occupations. It is the same with our imaginations. We are to use it in the most wonderful, resourceful way, to our advantage.

The imagination is a wonderful thing if it isn’t lifted up above God in heaven. You say, how do we know if our imaginations are exalted above God? The human mind is very photogenic. You may see an image of something and the mind immediately records it. Many times, the human mind, captures horrible and despicable images. There are times, we as humans have witnessed terrible things and want to get it out of our minds like tragedies, bad relationships or experiences, which can consequently mount up to painful memories. If it isn’t caught or dealt with, these unpleasant experiences can stay in our minds and take these bad experiences and think or imagine on them all day. You could have gone through a great trauma when you were in your adolescence, and it is still on your mind today and the trauma is over but yet you are still imagining the event, which consequently can cause you to live that bad experience that happened to you years ago and harm yourself (mind, heart) over and over by capturing that terrible time in your life. It is the imagination that can cause the event to reoccur.

God gave us an imagination to remember beautiful events and occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries, the birth of a child, marriage proposals and matrimony ceremonies; joyous occasions, not the bad ones. If there is anything that happened before the very moment in time that you exist, at this moment, and to think on this event or time before the time you are dwelling in now, will be an imagination. You also can imagine in the future. This also can be two-fold. To imagine good things like planning a dinner party for six or your child’s birthday party. This type of imagination is wonderful. But to imagine something evil or corrupt is not why our heavenly Father gave us imaginations. You can either have a good imagination or a bad imagination.

If your imagination is bad and you are a Christian, God will renew your mind with his word and cast down those bad images and imaginations, he promised in his word. So please don’t try to recapture them when they disappear. If you have good imaginations, try imagining the return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is as easy as imagining for that yellow, chocolate, three layered-cake with a tall glass of milk, that you may not have at the present time, but yet you imagine it. Try once in a while imagining how it would be when Jesus returns for his church. Imagine what heaven would be like when we are all living in our mansions that Jesus promised us. Imagine the streets of heaven made of gold and pearly gates. Imagine there won’t be any more tears, hurt, or pain, or suffering and that God in heaven will wipe away all of our tears. Imagine having everlasting life with no sickness or diseases, ever! Imagine you will see all of your loved ones. Imagine on things that are eternal (living forever in heaven) and not temporary things (things that are on earth). Imagine seeing Jesus face to face. What a splendid view! Amen.

“Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;” (II CORINTHIANS 10:5)

“While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal” (II CORINTHIANS 4:18).

Rev. Trower

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