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Ever so lovely, I yield always to my Lord, for you are my bright and morning star, you are the fairest of ten thousand, you are my rock, my steady place. You are ever so lovely and wonderful, for I know that you are majestic and worthy to be crowned King of Kings and Lord of Lords. My Lord, my Savior, that dwelleth on the right hand of God our Father in heaven. Oh, how I love thee with all of my heart, soul, and mind. Ever so lovely, my Lord, how I love thee with a perfect heart. Calvary is my resting place. Calvary, yes, that’s where you were on that wonderful cross. That’s where we met. Yes, that’s where it all happened for me. Thank you, wonderful Jesus, for your precious blood that you shed for me on that marvelous day and it has made me glad!

I now can declare my sins are all washed away because I have received what happened that day on Calvary. Oh, how my soul repents and my heart is indicting a good matter and now I am cleansed from my sins forevermore and it has made me glad! Thank you, my Lord, my love, my King. How I adore thee and worship thee with blinding tears; my heart sings forevermore and it has made me glad. I yield to you for whatever you ask of me. I surrender like a string instrument, like a cello or violin. I yield, my heart bows before you, oh lover of my soul. Be my bow, as the bow that makes beautiful music on a string instrument. You will play the strings of my heart.

Oh, how I yield as a string instrument, perfectly still to do thy will, my beautiful Saviour. How I beseech thee my marvelous King, to play my heart with the bow of a perfect string instrument. I will yield to thy will. Oh yes, I will not have my own way. I will say what you want me to say and go where you want me to go as a perfect cello, you will play me with the bow of your beautiful hands. How marvelous, and I will be glad!

My heart says yes to your will. My heart says yes to your command. I say, yes, beautiful Savior, oh my Jesus, how I love thee. I am like a drink offering, pour me for your good pleasure. I will be your instrument forever. I pray, my wonderful Jesus, that you will always be the bow of my heart and I will be glad!

I know you love us with perfect love because of Calvary. I know that we, the body of Christ, have the victory because you have conquered death and risen from the dead and we are glad! The price of victory has been paid with a great price: you gave your soul as an offering for our transgressions and we are glad! We thank you, precious Jesus, we, the body of Christ, yield to our heavenly Father’s will through your wonderful name, sweet Jesus. We live to do thy will as a perfect string instrument and you are our bow. Amen.

"Upon an instrument of ten strings, and upon the psaltery; upon the harp with a solemn sound. For thou, Lord, hast made me glad through thy work: I will triumph in the works of thy hands" (PSALM 92:3-4).

Rev. Helen Trower

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