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It’s always amazing when one gets a glimpse of your life and behold they believe they have captured your entire life. Seeing a portion of a man’s (mankind) life doesn’t qualify anyone to make a broad standard view of that person’s life, especially if they are Christians. Even not being a Christian, God is constantly moving his arm toward saving and blessing his own people. We all must be mindful not to criticize or condemn another person’s life. This is most unsettling to our Heavenly Father God in heaven.

Judging another human being is very dangerous in the respect of losing all that you have accomplished and what you call successful for your own life. If we judge another human being, we will always be judged by others in the same capacity and venom that we spread on others will return unto us. God cannot be mocked, His word says, and whatever a man sow, that shall he reap. Do unto others as you want them to do unto you, God’s word also declares. If you sow hatred, lies, rumors and discord among the brethren, or not the brethren, you will cause this ripple effect within yourselves to boomerang.

Many of you have said, “Look at my life, it is in shambles and it is simply worthless. If I had to put a price on my life it would be of no value.” Many of God’s people do feel this way with compelling inclement of no doubt that they are destroyed by life itself and not of their own words of hatred and bigotry that they have poured on others. No, beloved, life has not taken us or given us bad choices, but life has given us all marvelous resources to have fruitful and productive lives. It is God’s way! But you have to chose life and not death, good and not evil. There are roads and avenues in life that we all must choose. Your Heavenly Father says to choose life and not death, walk after righteousness and not unrighteousness, follow all that is good and forsake all manners of evil, and by all means, never judge another man’s life because they are having hard times or have fallen into a pit. God is the only one can deliver you from pitfalls as he delivered Joseph out of the pit. He will do the same for you.

You say, “I am in too deep of a pit to be delivered.” No beloved, there is no pit that is so deep that God’s arm cannot reach to save you. God has a very long arm and it is bare out for the whole world to see. Take hold to God’s arm and hold on tight. He’s going to pull you out of the pit. And when the Lord Jesus Christ himself dust you off and set your feet on solid ground and lead you to the path of righteousness, be sure to never judge nor condemn another human being for their hardships or shortcomings, but only praying for them so that you won’t be judged. And always repent if you have done this. This is when Jesus will pull you out of your pit. This is when Jesus will restore your life once again and make it whole, when you repent for judging and ridiculing others for their shortcomings in life.

And the God of glory will then keep your feet on the path of life forever. Therefore, let all of God’s people strive to live our lives one day at a time, walking by faith, never sowing discord, rumors, lies, evil speakings, blasphemies toward men, but let all men live peacefully with one another and loving each other as God has loved us. And let us, once again, reunite as the body of Christ, join hands on one accord and helping others who do not know Jesus. Let's go back to how it used to be when we first got saved. Simpler times. Amen.

“The Lord hath made bare his holy arm in the eyes of all the nations; and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God” (ISAIAH 52:10).

“Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again” (MATTHEW 7:1-2)

Forever in His Peace,

Pastor Helen Trower

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