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Hats Off To Fathers

I stood in one spot completely frantic, as my father left the store. My anxiety was on the level of ten, then the doors closed behind him and there I was, all alone, at the early age of 17, surrounded by the most exquisite pieces of antiques one could image. As I pivoted right and left I saw different beautiful items of wood from Scandinavian oak, cherry, rosewood, all so marvelously displayed around the store. I can still smell the wood of the antique furniture to this day in my memory senses.

My father had prepared me, a few weeks prior, that he wanted me to go to work with him. My father worked, at that period of time, at an exquisite, refined antique store of a very quaint town where I’m originally from. My father loved antiques. I’m sure this is why he was good as a salesman and a manager only to fulfill one of his deepest desires, selling antiques. How marvelous is that to have a glorious view and an admiration toward something and then be able to make a living by doing what you earnestly respect and love. There were different types of furniture and antiques in the store but somehow the scent of wood has tattooed in my memory. I knew the day would come when my father would say, “Helen, today you will come to work with me”, because he has prepared me and told me and it did come, not a moment too soon. He said, “Helen you will come to work with me today.” I was so elated. I had the summer off for my school break. I went to work for my father for several weeks. He taught me a lot about antiques. There were antique books that he had me to read over and over and he would review the books with me as he taught me about the furniture and antiques. I had no idea what was to come. I had my working permit at the age of 16. I was 17 at this time, however, I was never comfortable being alone at that antique shop. My father taught me all the logistics of the marketing and sales, right down to the accounts receivable. However, I was uncertain in my ability to carry this out alone.

The day came when my father had to go on a business trip in another town to buy more antiques for the store. He said, “Helen, I want you to operate this store until I return.” There were no other employees there but myself. He said, “I will be back before the store closes”, which was at 6 pm. I had my working permit and he had trained me for weeks, but I immediately said, “ I can’t, dad! I can’t do this.” He said, “Yes you can and you will.” He said, “I have trained you and you are ready.” My father was the only person that worked in the antique store and my father had me working with him for the summer. I thought it was just for a few weeks, for a little summer job. Little did I know, he was preparing me for something great! I literally had a panic attack at the age of 17. Again, I said, “Dad, you can’t leave me here alone!” He said, “Helen, you are ready. I trust you.” He then walked out with his briefcase and suit and tie.

My dad had a tall and slender stature and wore a suit like a mannequin. Oftentimes he would wear a derby hats to accompany his suits. He was always well dressed and determined to try different horizons to perfect the many gifts God had given him. My father was talented in many areas when it came to his occupations. He could literally build a house from the ground to the roof. That was one of his many gifts. There I was looking at him and he strode away with the wind. I literally cried as he closed the door behind him.

Our Heavenly Father, God in heaven, is doing the exact same thing to many of you this very hour. God has prepared you for years in the wilderness. God will turn your dry desert into a pool of water. There is a way out, He’s preparing you. You do not have to be in a ministry or have a call to preach the gospel to be in the wilderness. If you are a Christian, God will put you in the wilderness for a season to train you and prepare you, like he did me with my father, for your destiny. But you say, “I don’t perceive of doing anything spectacular for God. I thought in order for God to use me, I had to be in ministry, pastoring, evangelizing, singing in the choir, those spiritual things.” Yes, God always put those in ministry for the kingdom of God in the wilderness, but he also will lead all believers in Christ Jesus in the wilderness like he did Israel (the spiritual church). It could be a pulpit, or politician, a CEO, a plumber or electrician. God prepares all of his children for that perfect plan that he has for all of us. Jesus promised that he would return for his church and that He is preparing a place for us. Jesus also said, in my Father’s house (heaven) are many mansions. Jesus himself is preparing, right now, for us to live in our mansions before He returns for his church.

Preparation is key. Jesus is the Son of God and He is preparing things in order for our arrival in heaven. He also said in the Lord’s prayer, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Therefore, God requires the same for his children, to always prepare in everything for the excellent glory of His revealing of our spiritual promised land. Jesus is preparing for us to come to heaven and our Heavenly Father uses different people and resources to prepare you for greatness that awaits all of us. God has used different people and sources to train and equip us for our wilderness period.

My father did return sooner than he said he would, a few hours before closing. I was petrified and I did well in selling and projecting what I was trained and taught. My father had prepared me. Father’s are remarkable creatures. They seldom nurse their children’s wounds, or encourage them concerning their dreams. Father’s are more of a driving force that push us to no limit. Even when they do not share your dreams and hopes God still use our father’s to equip us in different areas that we are totally unaware of at the time, like my father did me.

Somehow father’s believe their children can do anything. Most fathers give the command and expect their children to execute it. It never seems to occur to them the imbalances of what they believe we can do can leave us paralyzed with fear but somehow we manage to do it. I truly believe that we as heirs of our fathers know that in our most inner being there lies within us a place that resides and waits for the command of our Heavenly Father’s voice echoing ever so deeply in our very small hearts saying ,you can do it.

My father is deceased now and I have two sisters and three brothers who I love very much. My siblings all have their own personal memories of our father. We all miss him very much. We can all testify on how our father loved his derby hats to match his suits. It was his trademark. Our dad left another trademark in our memory: Work hard and diligently and do it with courage, whatever you choose to do. Hats off to fathers. Happy Father’s Day!

“I will open rivers in high places, and fountains in the midst of the valleys: I will make the wilderness a pool of water, and the dry land springs of water” (ISAIAH 41: 18).

“In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also” (JOHN 14:2-3).

Forever in His Peace,

Rev. Helen Trower

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