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Oh Lord, Watch My Mouth!

Communicating is a form of art in many factors. Translating words and syllables into a form of pronunciation, wherefore your recipients are able to comprehend and respond with an intelligent response is some sort of a miracle from God in heaven. There are many times we take the art of speech for granted. Our heavenly Father has blessed us with lips and tongues in our mouths to communicate every desire we have on this Earth. If we abided alone on Earth there would be no need to communicate with anyone. However, we are a people and communication is indispensable for our daily requirements and satisfactions.

It is truly a blessing to use this marvelous gift from God on a regular basis, being mindful that we are totally responsible for every idle word that comes out of our mouth. Not every word, but every idle (lazy, shiftless, negligent, leisurely, otiose; serving no practical purpose or result, lackadaisical). Every idle word that comes out of your mouth will be judged by God himself in the day of judgement. Therefore, we must never take for granted the beautiful art of language and we must never use idle words for they are negative, and a poisonous venom to our souls. Beloved, always be ever so mindful of the most incredible gift of speech, to be careful what we say out of our mouths.

God could have created all men (mankind) that we would all communicate by sign languages or in silence where everyone would correspond through writings or literature. There is so much power in words. It’s what you say out of your mouth that will either make you or break you. Every time you say words out of your mouth it will either bless or curse. Every time you part your lips and mouth it is as a door has been opened in the spirit realm of blessings and cursings. God did not give us this beautiful art of communication to curse his people or to speak evil of others, but to speak a blessing over his people and, indeed, your own lives. Yes, beloved, use your tongue and your mouth to bless your own family, friends, your homes, workplaces, and please do not forget yourselves. If you are feeling very weary or melancholy these days, open up your mouth and bless your own selves with the word of God. Say, “ I am blessed and highly favored!”; Say, “I am redeemed and have been bought with a price of the precious blood of the lamb of God, Jesus the Christ!”; Say, “I am redeemed for all of my sins have been washed away by the blood of Jesus and my own repentance that came out of my mouth and lips!” And always, the epitome of blessing is blessing God himself in heaven. We could not praise and worship Him if we did not have tongues in our mouths and lips to bless, praise and thank Him! Yes, beloved, always bless yourselves and everything that God has given you dominion over. Go and take the land and houses and wealth that He promised you in his Word by opening up your mouth and confessing the Word of the Lord, not coveting or confessing what is not yours or cursing what is not yours, but only speaking to the things God has promised you by his Word.

King David asked the Lord to watch over his mouth and lips. We must do the same. Let us all ask God to help us to watch what we say and not to say anything that’s idle out of our mouths. We cannot obtain a blessing unless it is spoken. Blessings have to be spoken and so shall we speak it, but remember, God will not bless you, your spoken words, if it doesn’t line up with his Word. The miracle is not in our words and our desires, what we feel we should have, it’s in the Word of God. That’s where the power’s at, in the source. This is when the fruit of your lips and speaking good things will start to manifest. If things are not so good for you at this present time, open up your mouths and lips and start to speak blessings and good things over your life, not bad things, for example negativity, doubt and fear. Begin today, beloved, and open up your mouth and bless everything that surrounds you. Just start today and look around you and everything you see, bless it. Even your enemies, bless them and not curse them. Even bless the ground that you walk on and watch and see, beloved, that everything will turn around for your good. Oh Lord, watch my mouth! Amen.

“Set a watch, O Lord, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips” (PSALM 141:3).

“But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned” (MATTHEWS 12:36-37).

Glory Be To God,

Rev. Helen Trower

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