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I am the Lord thy God and I dwell in the hearts of men who love me and keep my holy commandments. There are seasons for all things. I rest in my peace and so shall you. Little children: be not afraid of their faces. Be strong and courageous in the Lord Jesus Christ my Son. Never back down from righteousness. Be bold as a lion when the Spirit comes upon you for righteousness sake. Slow down your pace, be anxious for nothing, but instead of murmuring give me the glory for these circumstances and thanksgiving. That is well-pleasing to me. This new year of 2020 will be a fresh start, not just for beginners but even those who labor before you. You say of the old, “it’s too late for me. I’ve made a shipwreck out of my life and my ministries”, but I say start over new and afresh. All things work together for the good for those who love me. I say, start over. The world says, “this is not fair.” One shall chase a thousand, two, ten thousand. You have the victory in Jesus Christ, simply walk in it. The first shall be last and the last shall be first. Start anew, walk upright, take bold steps in the Lord. I am with you. To the fathers, my elders and bishops: seek my face early, will you? I wait for you before the dawn of the day. Forsake not the assembly of God. Meet me in a quiet resting place and the prophets, my servants, waste not and behold I stand at the door knocking at your inner man. Behold, I say, I stand knocking at the door, will you let me into your hearts? Restoration for my church: I will restore to you all that you have lost in this new year of 2020, rejoice, I say, rejoice! And to all the kings and queens: my people are precious to me. Reign over them with love and respect, not ruling over my people with iron. Pray, I say, pray all of those who are in leadership, kings, queens, pastors, elders, pray for my people before you reign. You too must seek my face early. That’s when you will find me. And I will bless you with my wisdom to reign over my people. Restoration for my church, my children: I will restore your faith, once again. I will restore your health, once again. I will restore your visions, and again I will restore all that was taken away from you. I, the Lord God that dwell in heaven, shall restore you to better green pastures. Jesus is the only way. I will restore you through His name. I will give you new wine and sweet corn, milk, and honey for your land; plenty of prosperity for your health and soul. I will restore my people. America, America: wake up, I say, wake up! Turn to righteousness for this land. Turn to Jesus. The earth is the Lord and the fullness thereof. I will send righteousness like the morning rain. Will you wait for it? Will you wait for it? America, turn from your wicked ways, repent as a nation and I will heal your land. You need healing, America. You need restoration, also. I am not a man where I can lie. America needs healing. You great leaders of this country: seek my face on behalf of all the unrighteousness in this great country. Seek me early with my servants, my holy prophets. I wait for you too. America will be restored. America will be restored. The land is crying out to me for healing. The land of America waits for the children of God. I say it waits for the earnest expectation of the creation waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God because the creation itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. Glory, glory, glory will arrive. My glory will arrive on the whole earth and my glory will be upon you. Arise, and shine for thy light is come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. Walk in anew for I will restore my children. I will restore America, that great nation, back to her righteousness. I will restore all nations to her youth, but America is a beacon light to the world. I will begin with you. Turn from your wicked ways. Repent and I will heal your land. If my people, which are called by my name shall humble thyselves and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin, and I will heal their land. I will restore America. I will restore that great nation. I will restore all nations under heaven. I will restore my people once again. I am the Alpha and the Omega and the Beginning and the End. I am the Almighty God, Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace. I will do all of this by my Holy Spirit in my Son’s name, Jesus the Christ. Amen.

Prophetess Helen Trower

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