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The term “a society” has slipped our lips far too easily. There is a delight in this word. It demonstrates a well-blended culture of different demographics, having a sense of peace dwelling together in solace. The word society stands on the roof screaming, demonstrating unity, unison, and a perfect understanding to all men that we, as a people, are to blend and live together in a harmonious and peaceful fashion. When a society makes a decision that no longer will we honor these values; no longer will we have respect and nobility for all races; no longer will we have respect for individuals; and no longer will we respect ourselves and declare this with retaliation and war, then as a good society we must take a stand for what is morally right and true.

A good society versus a bad society makes it very difficult to be a strong society. Societies are developed over centuries from well beings who are sensible and intelligent politicians and congressional laws. It is determined by the people of God if we are to agree or disagree with what governs our societies. The law of the land is our guide to freedom and harmony (peaceful living). We, as a people, depend on it for our safety and peace of mind. When our peace is threatened by corruption, breaking of the laws and removing the peace and concord for all races and disregard and a lack of respect for dwelling as one, this is when our society will conform to a lack of strength and vehement. Nations are governed by our leaders. People are governed by the law. If a society has turned to a disrespectful, unwholesome view of the land and leaders of a nation have turned its back to a justice of the law of the land, then we as a society must do only what the God of this world has ordained us to do: that is to pray.

We are most definitely better together when we unite as one: all men, all races come together. We must pray when we view with our own eyes one race persecuting another race. When we see this and the country that governs us stands by and watches this with folded arms and a face of contempt, then we must pray to God the way Nehemiah did when Israel’s enemies broke down their gates and burned it with fire. We must cry out the way Israel did when they were persecuted and put into bondage by the Egyptians. We must pray the way Israel did when they were in captivity in Babylon. God in heaven will answer our prayers. Never believe that you can not pray for the race of your people. It is time to pray for your race if it’s being persecuted. Israel did, and so must any other race that is being persecuted. God delivered the Jews out of bondage, He will certainly deliver any other race that is in bondage or persecuted. It is time for us to pray.

Oh, heavenly Father. The God of all righteousness. Please help the Black race. Deliver us from evil. Help all races, heavenly Father, that are being persecuted. Help us, quick and mighty. Deliver us from this hate and bondage that is toward the Black race. Help us, oh God, in heaven, quick and mighty, rend open the heavens and help us. Help us deliver the Black race and all races that are persecuted and in bondage.

THE WORD OF GOD: I am a holy God. Holy, holy, holy. We cry, holy, holy, holy, Lord God almighty. Heaven and earth shall be filled with the glory of God. I have called you to be a people for you are chosen unto me. When government officials do not abide by their own laws, then you as a people must seek my face, for I will turn away their evil wickedness. I am the God of host. I am the most-high God in the heavens and the earth. All things are mine. Turn to me in prayer, the way my servant Nehemiah did. Turn to me in prayer like my servant Moses did. Turn to me in prayer the way Joshua did. Turn to me in prayer the way my servant David did. Turn to me in prayer the way my only begotten Son did and is doing. Jesus is on my right hand making intercession for you even so. Therefore, pray to me through my Son’s Jesus Christ name. It is in His name, Jesus, that you will have life. You, my beloved, will have life through his name: Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. His blood has cleansed you from your sins and the world when you repent of your sins. I will heal your hearts and your land. The evil I will send away. Cleanse your hands and do not be double-minded. Call upon me in the day of trouble and I will deliver you. Call me, I say call me. I wait for you to deliver you. I called you out of darkness into the marvelous light. You are a chosen people until me. Pray for peace. Pray for unity with all men. Pray for your race that you will be delivered from the yoke of bondage. You will not go into bondage again, for I, the Lord, have spoken it. This affliction shall not rise again. Only once can a race be put into bondage. I say, only once can a race can be put into bondage to serve another race. Captivity comes after bondage only once. You shall not bear the yoke of bondage anymore. Be ye not entangled with the yoke of bondage again. Who the Son has set free is free indeed. My word has been written, therefore, speak it and it shall surely come to pass. I will pull down all the strongholds, casting them down that has been set up against you. I am your deliverer! Trust in God, have faith in God of glory. I am the God of Abraham and I am the God of Isaac and I am the God of Jacob. Fear not and be not dismayed for I am with thee to protect thee from bondage. Pray without ceasing, I say, pray without ceasing. Pray until you see my hand move the way I showed my servant Elijah. Pray until you see the hand of God, my hand, the way I showed Elijah in the clouds in the heavens. When you see my hand move, then you will arise and hope in me, for I am a mighty fortress! I am a shield and I dwell in the thickness of the clouds. I am the Lord your God. I will deliver you and all of you who have the yoke of bondage around your necks. It is the anointing that breaks every yoke. The anointing breaks the yoke of all bondages. Jesus Christ is the Anointed One. Jesus Christ has paid the price for your souls to be delivered from corruption and that you will have eternal life with me. Rejoice, I say, rejoice, for the hour has come that you do all but to stand in that evil day. When you feel ever so lightly a yoke of bondage slipping around your necks, cry out to the one and only God, your Father in heaven. I will remove the yoke of bondage. No longer will you serve another race. No longer will you be intimidated to serve in bondage. You are my people and you are free. Abide by the law of the land, but there is a higher law of the land. It is the law of the Kingdom of Heaven. No longer will I, the Most- High God, righteous and holy, see my people go into bondage again. Pray for the violence to stop and pray for peace and holiness with all men and to follow it, for, without it, no man shall see God. Be not afraid, for you are a people. All races are one to me. I am no respecter of persons. I am no respecter of nations and races. Pray for your race if this is the cause of a yoke. Pray that my Anointed One, Jesus, will break the yoke of bondage. Be of good courage. Let not your hearts be troubled. If you believe in Jesus, my Son, then you believe in me. Be vigilant and strong. Be wise as serpents and harmless as doves, no war, but peace. Pray for the peace of God which dwells in you. Christ in you and the hope of glory in my Son’s Jesus Christ’s name, Amen.

“And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint” (LUKE 18:1).

“If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed” (JOHN 8:36).

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (JOHN 3:16).

May the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.

Reverend Helen Trower

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