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This is the moment many of us have been waiting for Autumn/Fall. The crisp cool air accompanied with a light cardigan or jacket is most satisfying. My darling Kent and I are always eager and happy to embrace the Fall season. Every year we purchase a few mums to set the perfect tone of the Fall season. This Fall was no exception. As Kent and I went to our local nursery for our Fall mums, we noticed that many of them had not fully bloomed. There were just a few in bloom as we visited nursery after nursery. The mums that bloomed were beautiful but they weren’t the colors we wanted. I preferred shades of pumpkin oranges or rusty-colored mums, which would be wonderful for this Autumn. These shades of colors weren’t quite in bloom. Therefore, we purchased a mum that hadn't yet bloomed but it was the perfect harvest orange.

As Kent and I drove home, I was a little disappointed that the orange pumpkin-colored mum that we purchased had not bloomed. It is beautiful but we have to wait until it blooms. I always prefer to purchase my mum in bloom. They may not last as long, however, this is my preference. To want something sooner than later can have many defaults. Many of God’s people, as myself, desire things sooner than later. I adore potting my mums in elegant pots, which are most gorgeous! The wait for the blooms is certainly a task, but so rewarding. The mum will bloom and it will be beautiful!

It’s the same with God’s children. Many of you are waiting on a bloom of loveliness in your situations. Many of you have been praying for a beautiful bloom in your finances, a bloom for larger families, a bloom for larger houses, a bloom for your health. Some of you are even praying for a bloom even in your social networking, as in great resources. God wants you to know that He is going to bring a beautiful bloom in every area of your life, even in those areas that you have not been praying for. Beloved, this is a word of the Lord for you. This is the harvest season and our heavenly Father always brings a beautiful bloom in the harvest, earthly and spiritually. You can believe this!

Some of you have been waiting for specific blooms and you have been praying fervently. Beloved, do not be discouraged in this area. Every time you pray you are watering your harvest. Your prayers are vital to God. You are spiritually watering your vineyards every time you pray. Therefore, beloved, never be discontent or dismayed by prayer. The secret to your harvest is being effective in prayer without ceasing. Never stop, keep praying continually, even when you don't see results. You are watering your vineyards by faith when you do so. The just shall live by faith! Praying the word of faith in your situation moves God’s heart every time. You will not know exactly when your blooms will arrive or if it is harvest season, but you must continue to water your vineyards because harvest time is so near for many of you.

Some of you are about to experience the most beautiful blooms in your entire life within a few weeks or months. It is the word of the Lord! So continue to water your vineyards by prayer, even when you don’t see any results. If not this season, don't fret, you will get your blooms in your season. No man knows when their seasons are. Therefore, continue to water your vineyards and gardens by the prayer of faith. When your season arrives it will be beautiful. God in heaven will make the most unlikely situations to be beautiful. You say, “I am in a terrible situation.” Don’t be discouraged. God will trade your terrible situation for beauty- His beauty. God will make your situation beautiful. He can do it and He will do it!

As I look at my unbloomed mum, I will continue to water it. Very shortly the mum will be fully bloomed and beautiful. I will wait for the leaves to change to its spectacular autumn gold and deep oranges. I am anticipating the Autumn leaves to fall off the trees and surround my beautiful mums for this Fall. I am also anticipating walking on the leaves as they crackle with every step I take. My mum will bloom and it will be beautiful! The leaves will change their colors and it will be beautiful. The crisp air of the Fall will come and it will be beautiful. Pumpkin lattes and pumpkin cupcakes are here, and they await the satisfying of our Autumn taste buds. It is the word of the Lord. Fall will come with many blessings for many of you. Your bloom is near. You must not faint or be weary. If you faint (give up) how can you receive your harvest? Faint not, beloved, so you can receive your harvest. It’s almost harvest time! God has heard your prayers, your season is near.

My mum is almost ready to bloom. I must continue to water it. I will wait. I must wait for my bloom. I will never give up, and you must never give up because God will make everything beautiful in His time. Without any contradiction, this is truly a beautiful Fall. Amen.

“Beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth, is mount Zion, on the sides of the north, the city of the great King” (PSALM 48:2).

“And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint;” (LUKE 18:1).

“And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not” (GALATIANS 6:9).

“He hath made every thing beautiful in his time: …” (ECCLESIASTES 3:11)

Glory Be To God,

Reverend Helen Trower


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