Christmas is truly a time to celebrate and rejoice for the occasion. We cook a large turkey, dressing, and many delicious side dishes. The beauty of it all is so marvelous. Christmas is truly a magnificent holiday, not to mention the beautiful decorations with the ornate Christmas trees and the wonderful gifts. Christmas for Christians is a time to give gifts in the acknowledgment and birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It has become a tradition in many nations for this cause.
Our heavenly Father God in heaven rejoices about the celebratory season of giving to loved ones in the memorial of his Son Jesus Christ. Christmas is commonly known as Merry Christmas. Merry is to be cheerful and lively. Oh, how we all give witness of the merry spirit that we see in one another during the Christmas holidays. Christians or non-Christians, everyone seems to have the Christmas spirit of joy. Christmas is filled with joy, love, and the recognition of the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ. Our hearts are glad and merry. God in heaven wants this joy and merry heart to linger until we celebrate Christmas again.
You say, this is impossible for what is happening in the world. Yes, beloved, you will always have tribulations in the world. Tribulations will always be there but remember the word of God when he spoke by his servant David; never have I seen the righteous forsaken or his seed begging for bread. Walking in righteousness is the only way to keep a merry heart at all times. You say, “this is complicated because I have temptations.” Yes, all men do have temptations, but my Son Jesus Christ has already paid the price on calvary for your sins. Receive this, accept it. The debt is paid in full by the shedding of my Son Jesus Christ’s blood. If you believe this then your sins are forgiven. You say, “Oh, does this mean that I can sin all I want because Jesus paid the price on the cross?” No, beloved. The wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life. Why would you want to die soon? I need you to be a beacon light to the world to share your faith. You are light to those who are lost. I use you more than you believe. You are the children of the light. Let your light shine. Therefore, live and not die, but declare the works of the Lord.
Beautiful children of the most-high God rest assured Jesus has overcome the world. Therefore, you are to be at peace knowing that God has given us a Savior Jesus Christ, who has overcome by his blood that was shed for you and I. Cheer up dear children of God. Jesus has already overcome the world. Start to believe on the only one who has made a way for you and I.
God wants you to reject bad reports, sarcastic comments, confrontations, and quarreling and walk away from all malice. One can always feel or sense when a quarrel is about to erupt. Quarrels come up quickly and attacks you and takes hold of you suddenly. There are so many times when someone attacks you with a quarrel you are taken off guard. The adversary will always do it that way to trap you. When this happens, you are left feeling incomplete, confused, and oftentimes feeling like you have been defeated. God also wants you to reject all bad reports, gossips, negative feedback, and derogatory comments, for these things will cause your bones to dry and be brittle because a bad report, the word says, and negative comments will break your spirit. But a merry heart will linger and cause others to be merry. A merry heart will remove depressions, anxieties, migraines, and many illnesses because a merry heart worketh like medicine to your spirit.
God in heaven wants us to be cheerful and have a merry heart at all times. And this is the key to being cheerful and merry even in tribulations because Jesus has always worked out your situations in advance because it is done by faith and not by works. Your not-so-good situations will subside because of your belief and permanent merry heart.
God is sending you this Christmas message from heaven. Have a Merry Christmas and a merry heart. In Jesus name. Amen.
“A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones” (PROVERBS 17:22).
“These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world” (JOHN 16:33).
Glory Be To God,
Reverend Helen Trower