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Women have been waiting a long time for what is rightfully due to them. Women silently desired to be heard and not ignored; to be taken seriously and not mocked; to behold and not harassed; to cherish but not possess. We, women, have so much to give to our societies besides family and caretakers. We, women, love to administer these marvelous attributes that are given to us from God in heaven. However, there is more character to women. We women, indeed, should live glorious lives which represent our loving nature and vigor for life and to embark our blueprint in society without becoming a dominant force, yet gentle and strong.

I just had a women’s luncheon at my home. The theme was ‘glorious living’. As I pondered in my heart for close to three months about the theme, the Lord put it in my spirit to call it glorious living. The Lord made it vivid to me that the whole luncheon experience would be a beautiful occasion, and each woman would realize the glory that is inside of them. What a marvelous concept! I was ready and excited about planning my women’s luncheon. The day came, and I was so thrilled to have these lovely women at my table, only for God to reveal his glory in them.

As we all sat around my long kitchen table, a formal table setting, but yet a kitchen casual atmosphere, I strategically set the tone for the women’s luncheon to be a formal luncheon, but yet an informal atmosphere for comfort and relaxation. Each woman was unique and special in her own way. I, being the hostess, made an attempt to be intuitive and listen and to bring up topics that were enlightening. We all enjoyed our conversations and the French cuisine lunch, cream chicken with mushrooms, roasted rainbow carrots, mashed potatoes with asparagus and broccoli, that I prepared at sun up for their perfection. It was truly delightful! They seemed all to enjoy the cream chicken with mushroom, which is a beautiful French dish. The lunch menu was completely French, which was very enlightening when you bring in other cultures. It gave us an opportunity to discuss that beautiful country, France.

As the women started to talk about their travels to France, I thought to myself, this is exactly what I wanted, to broaden the horizons of these beautiful women with delicious food and beautiful cultures. There is something magnificent when women come together, especially over a beautiful meal. I had high tea music in the background as we all indulged in the third course, coconut cake with lemon bars and macaroons, served with a pot of Earl Grey tea. The women all had on beautiful Spring colors, and their faces all glowed with the theme of the luncheon, glorious living. Every woman was radiant with the glory of God!

Many times, we as women, have such a busy lifestyle with working, being wives, caretakers of husbands, children, oftentimes our parents, and many times our pets. This can greatly make an impact on our womanhood, which consequently can create a system that we are so busy that we can’t even enjoy what God has set right before us. We, as women, must never fall into this trap of being busy. When we are busy, it simply means we are doing too many things at one time. We all must slow down, as women, and focus on one thing at a time. You will be so happy if you do this.

We, women, must never forget the lovely creation that God has created us to be. God in heaven has ordained Christian women to be lovely and meek for this pleases God. Christian women are not to be loud or clamorous. God does not respect Christian women who are loud for special attention or to be dominant. He will not receive this behavior. Christian women are to be discreet at all times and never falsely accuse someone of something that they did not say or do, especially in a setting that is difficult to counter the false accusations without causing a catastrophe. Many times, we, women, are often so busy and then we become aware of it and we try to undo our chaotic lifestyle many times leaving us feeling idol and unloved. This is why many times the adversary would have us to be busy to feel productive, but this is not the case, beloved. Our strength comes in our quietness and meekness. That’s where the gift of loveliness from God begins to bloom. This does not mean that we are to be silent and not to voice our opinions. God wants you to be very verbal and enjoy your lives with your thoughts and dreams, but we must be careful never to be too busy and to accuse someone of what they did not say or do (gossip). We, Christian women, are beautiful and lovely. Therefore, we must always present ourselves as such, under every circumstance, good or not so good. It is God’s will.

I knew the luncheon was a great success as we looked at each other’s faces and talked and laughed as we enjoyed our meal. We women knew that there were no perfect women at that table, but we also knew that there is a perfect God in each and every one of us. Therefore, we all must strive to allow the God in us to shine forth in our lives, becoming wonderful ambassadors for Jesus Christ. This is a message for all women in Christ Jesus and also those women who inspire to be Christian women that there are no perfect women, but we all must be perfect in Christ Jesus. You say, “that’s very difficult to do.” No, darlings, the Bible makes it clear that Christ in you and the hope of glory. The glory is in you; let it come out. In doing this, we will show forth God’s love that resides in all of us as we strive to live a glorious life in Jesus Christ. We concluded the luncheon with prayer, and we recessed to the garden for the most beautiful photos ever! Each woman was radiant, revealing God’s glory.

I think my guests felt that the cream mushroom chicken was the dollop of the luncheon. It was very wonderful how they enjoyed that dish. I, myself, honestly felt that the fresh-cut magnolias in a simple glass vase were the crème de la crème (cream of the crop). The aroma of the fresh-cut magnolias filled my home with a lemony beautiful, delightful scent, which reminded me of my southern upbringing, which my cohost reminded me of. I truly believe God in heaven smiled on us that day.

I beseech all women in Christ Jesus to be still and receptive to what God has bestowed upon us and inside us to be able to give and share God’s glory and love to others. That is what you call glorious living! Amen.

“ The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things; That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed” (TITUS 2:3-5).

“Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect” (MATTHEW 5:48).

“Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel; But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price” (I PETER 3:3-4).

“For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us” (ROMANS 8:18).

Glory be to God,

Reverend Helen Trower


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