I am the Lord thy God that dwelleth in heaven. I am the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. America shall be a hopeful nation and I the Lord shall break all infidelities with that unclean nation. I will bless America, once again, with prosperity and I will lose the ties with that unclean, uncircumcised nation. That unclean nation shall sulk and pout at the prosperity of America once again. I will heal America and she shall be restored once again. America is wounded and bruised inside and outside, but I will cure her hurts and wounds. I am the Lord thy God who dwelleth in heaven. The adversary thought that he had America by the heel, but he is a liar and a curse. No longer will America be cursed for she is a blessed nation forevermore. I bless America, I bless America! You have prayed and turned from your wicked ways. You have put a righteous king in order in your land. I will bless him with wisdom and great courage for America. America, stand still and see the salvation of the Lord. Watch me turn those dry places into a pool of water. Watch me feed the poor and the destitute with clean spring water and nourishing foods. I will bless the poor and strengthen their hands with health in their bones. Their bones shall flourish. I am the Lord thy God. I even, I even, I have spoken, yea, I have called him. I have brought him and I will make his way prosperous. Thus saith the Lord thy redeemer, the Holy One of Israel. I am the Lord thy God which teaches thee to profit which leadeth thee by the way that thou shouldest go. Be still and know that I am God. I will not forsake you because you have put a righteous king in his place. Oh, America, come and let us reason together. Your adversaries wait at the border (the borders). I am the Lord that dwells in heaven and my salvation is forevermore. Take my salvation. Come, and let us reason together. Turn from all of your wicked ways. The land of America has been defiled. A land of promise is now a land of poison. Many of you have repented for their sins but you defile still with laws of filth to please all men. This must not be. Famines and pestilence, my Son Jesus, prophesied, shall come in the last days. These are signs to warn a nation and nations to turn from your wicked ways. Repent as a nation, America. I have chosen you to be a light on a hill to show nations to follow and know that there is one God, one Lord, and one Savior and his name is Jesus Christ. But you have shown all nations that sin is acceptable and righteous enough to abide in a law of the land. Repent for this and I will heal your land. I say, repent of your wicked ways. You say we are a nation of freedom. There is no freedom in making laws for my people to serve and accept sin. I will heal America once again. Your enemies will watch. You will be a beacon light once again. I will heal you of this plague and my people will live once again. Come and let us reason together. Come, and I will listen to your prayers. Pray for the unsaved. The Lord is at hand. Look up, he standeth at the door. Look at the signs of the fig tree. Jesus stands at the door. This is the day of salvation. No more will you serve another nation. America, repent, I say. You have chosen a king and he will arm America once again and quickly America’s king will not serve that unclean nation, uncircumcised nation, or her enemies for greed, but she will serve all nations with refuge and honor and strength. I will cause America to reestablish herself once again. I will heal America for she has a broken heart. Oh, America, be still and know that I am God. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the ending, sayeth the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty. Amen.
Glory be to God,
Reverend Helen Trower