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I was awakened out of my sleep with an outburst that came out of my mouth as the sound of great laughter moved in my spirit as a triumph! I opened my eyes only to behold my sleeping chambers. I thought, perhaps, that I was in another place or another time; a place filled with joy, and laughter, like heaven, but within seconds I saw that it was indeed my own familiar atmosphere. Slightly to my right, I saw my darling husband Kent and I said, “Kent, darling, did you hear laughter?” And he said, “Yes, I did.” I thought I was dreaming of me laughing and he said, “yes, you were laughing hysterically in your sleep.” I knew that once again God’s precious word had come to pass.

The day before, it was one of those days where if anything could go wrong it did. That day nothing seems to go the way I planned. I suppose writing things down in a beautiful leather-bound journal or an organizer would be a help and used as great comfort and purpose for one’s daily routine, but in this case, I didn’t have that. I didn’t have a journal or paper to write down my innermost thoughts or dreams on. It seems that when we write things down or a to-do list, especially something beautiful and magnificent to behold for our daily routine will make things go smoother or more organized. This is why these beautiful leather bounded notebooks or journals are called ‘organizers.’ How can anyone’s day go wrong with these magnificent journals or a simple to-do list that will guarantee you success in all of your endeavors? However, I had neither. I always pride myself on my to-do list in my organizer in my head that made me feel a sense of monopoly knowing that no one could ever take a sneak-peak when in my head like you could a leather-bound journal or a glimpse at a to-do list. This whole ideology of keeping it all in my head caused me to elevate in my own heart and thoughts that no man could ever ruin my day or could take away the dreams that God has put in my heart.

Many of God’s people have many of the same concepts for successful living. There is a conquer-all when you don’t write or journal things down. You say, “ I am in complete control, no man can ever take what is in my heart or mine.” This is true, beloved, however, when atrocities come, and it will, when disappointments come, and it will, when bad reports come or bad news, and they will, when a change of plans come, and they will, when the weather changes, and it will, when dreams are deferred, and they do, what does one do? It’s all programmed in your mind and in your heart and when atrocity and calamity come it feels as though a great billow of waves have come and washed away your dreams. Even a bad report can cause you to feel muddled. All it takes to feel muddled or confused is anything that does not line up with your thinking pattern which could cause a relapse in your plans that’s in your heart or mind. All of a sudden the dreams that God has put in your heart seem darkened and hidden, You know they’re there because God put it in your heart and you think of them daily. You say, “ I am safe and today I will do what God has put in my heart this beautiful day.” Then out of nowhere there rises up calamity or bad weather and those plans are canceled. This can leave you feeling unaccomplished or defeated.

Beloved, God wants His church to feel a sense of victory in every occasion, good or bad, even when atrocities or calamities, or bad reports come. Our heavenly Father wants you to believe that you have the victory. God knows that dark clouds can dampen a dream. God knows that a bad report can make you sorrowful. God knows that one phone call can change your direction. God knows that sickness and illness can delay all of your hopes. We as a people believe in mechanism, a natural process in which something will take place. This is true, things do have a way of working themselves out and a course will persevere. However, this can cause one to give up on their dreams and hopes if it doesn’t come to pass sooner than later. The adversary will rise up these devices and snares and wiles to prevent you from moving forward. There is a victory for sure from heaven that will always cause you to be encouraged and triumphant, come what may!

You say, “ I feel like I have been taken over by something greater than myself besides God and I am drowning in it and I don’t know how to get out.” This often can happen when our situations overtake us and God does not ever want you to feel or believe that a situation can overtake you. This cannot be. It doesn’t matter how it feels or what it looks like, if God has put a dream or purpose in your heart it is sealed and it shall come to pass. God is the one who has put the dream(s) in your heart and it shall come to pass, but you have to get there as God’s instrument and if you are delayed because of disappointments, this can oftentimes cause you to go into a dark place and God doesn’t want this. However, God will find you no matter where you are if you are in a dark place and He will always come and reveal His light to you once again.

Writing things down does seem ideal but everyone does not do this. And when you keep the dreams in your heart and you have nothing to glimpse at to reassure you on paper or in a journal, you can sometimes become overwhelmed and you torment yourself and say, “Should I have written it down? The dream, the prophetic word came to me so long ago. I can’t remember it all and because I can’t recall it all will I lose it because it’s not written down?” And this can give you great discomfort or oftentimes melancholy or depression. The victory is when you cry yourself to sleep because of bad news and all your plans seem to be canceled and all your dreams don’t seem to be coming to pass, you can rest assured that joy comes in the morning. The joy of the Lord will rise up in you because God knows you have the victory. God laughs at the wicked all day long. You may feel defeated. You may feel lost. You may feel a sense of emptiness. But God in heaven wants you to know and encourage you that the vision and dreams that He has given you are written in your hearts and not on paper.

Yes, it was one of my worst days; all went wrong and nothing went the way I thought. I didn’t journal it down to encourage me. I was left alone only with a dream but the next morning I was awakened with a great outburst of laughter. Great, great laugher. It was God inside of me laughing. God’s Holy Spirit that dwells in me. I was awakened out of my sleep with a jilt with the most enormous laughter I had ever heard. I didn’t write it down in a journal. My dreams are written in my heart by God. The night before, I was discouraged and many of you, precious people of God, are experiencing the same thing: dreams deferred, hopes diminished. Everything that God has put in your hearts shall come to pass, beloved. Everything that God spoke to you with a prophetic word shall come to pass. Everything that God has prophesied over you by His holy word shall come to pass. Every sermon, every bible teaching that your pastors have preached and taught to you shall come to pass over your life. Every dream and hope that abides inside of you will come to pass.

Beloved, if you write your dreams and hopes on paper, this is fine, but those things can be destroyed or taken, or abolished. But the dreams and hopes and the prophetic word that God has spoken to you are stored in your hearts by God and it is written in your hearts. No man can ever take it away. God wants you to always remember the purpose and the dreams that has been spoken over your lives and to rejoice and laugh because it is written. Amen!

“For his anger endureth but a moment; in his favour is life: weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning” (PSALM 30:5).

“The wicked plotteth against the just, and gnasheth upon him with his teeth. The Lord shall laugh at him: for he seeth that his day is coming” (PSALM 37:12-13).

“Ye are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men:Forasmuch as ye are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ ministered by us, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God; not in tables of stone, but in fleshy tables of the heart”


Glory Be To God,

Reverend Helen Trower


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