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My revival is about to hit the land of the living, for I am the Most High God in the heaven and in the Earth. There is no other God beside me. I know not any, do you? Revival is about to hit the land, I say. Do you, O people of God, know the Creator of the world? Do you, people of God, know that your sins have been forgiven through my Son Jesus Christ? Jesus, my Son, is the only way to me. I am the way and the truth, and no man cometh through the Father except through me. Do you know the way, O children of God? Search me with your whole hearts. Then, and only then, will you find me. Come unto me all who thirst, for I will give you living waters. I am the Most High God. I will give you waters that you do not have to buy. I will give you wells of living waters. Come unto me all who thirst, and I will give you living waters that will spring from your bellies like wells of living waters. I say come unto me, for your sins are pardoned through my Son Jesus Christ! Jesus is the way to me. Repent of your sins and turn from your wicked ways. Pray and seek my face and I forgive you of all of your inequities. Repent, I say, for I stand at the door. Look up, for your redemption is drawing near. The King of Glory is standing at the door. I say the King of Glory waits for your repentance. 

I am about to do a new thing on the earth, for I am the Most High God. I am about to separate the sheep from the goats. There will be a division in the land of the living. No more will your enemies eat your corn and drink your wine. No more will your enemy sit at your table and boast about their riches. No more will your enemies sit at my table with envies and jealousies, for only the holy will sit at my table with the feast of the Lord. I am separating evil men from righteous men. I am about to throw my sickle in the vineyard, and the wicked I will burn up and send away like the chaff. I am going to reveal the secret sins of men. I will do this thing for all will be naked to the righteous. No longer will the wicked sit at your table and deceive you, for I will take the wicked by my hook and set them apart from the righteous. Yes, I am the only God, and Jesus is my holy branch. I am setting the wicked from the righteous, for when I come, I will know my own. I will not choose and pick among the vineyard. The vineyard will be already divided for me. This I will do by my Holy Spirit. O children of God, look up, for your redemption is nigh. O, how I love my children, for I have longed and waited for you. Keep the faith, O children of God. Continue the good work that you are doing. Look up, I say, for the King of Glory. I am the Most High God, again I say, I will reveal your enemies to you, and I will divide (set apart) the wicked from the righteous. I love all men, and I am the Most High God. Repent of your wickedness, O people of God. The Kingdom of God is near! I say, repent, for I am the way, the truth, and the light. No man cometh to the Father except through me. I am the Alpha, and the Omega, the beginning and the end! I am the God of peace, everlasting Father, and the Prince of the Peace is my only Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Prophetess Helen Trower, a servant of God and his Son Jesus Christ. Amen. 


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