We oftentimes start our day without the acknowledgment of its existence. Preparing ourselves for work or school, or just everyday activities can many times get in the way of acknowledging the day. When we are up and about to begin our day without the recognition of the creation that we reside in and choose to skip the attention of the assistance of the day, it can be unrewarding in our blessings from God. Yes, beloved, it is God in heaven that created the day that we reside in. God wants us to acknowledge every day that he created for we are his children and he purposed us to live and abide in it. The beginning of recognizing every day is by blessing the day with your mouth.
As we look back in retrospect on our lives, we can point out many things that we should have done or not, but the most marvelous thing about life is in living in the present. Oh, how wonderful that sounds, the present, which is at the moment. Beloved, at this very moment, you can start anew and afresh with obedience to God’s word. It is never too late to start over again. God will give you a second chance, a third chance, and many more chances until you walk in your victory! Isn’t this wonderful! God wants all his children to be blessed and have great success. There isn’t anything that is more reassuring to one’s life than to be successful in all that God has planned for you. God, in heaven, tells us in his word that we will have success if we meditate (ponder on) his word that he promised. In this promise God said, you must always keep his law (the word of God) in your mouth. We mentioned above that you have to speak the word of God for this is key. Do it and then you will be prosperous in all of your ways and have great success, but the key, again, is you must do what God tells you to do in his word.
One of the many promises in God’s word is having regard for the day. Regard is to look upon or think with a particular feeling; to have or show respect for someone or something. This is a vital commandment of God. It is essential that we all as Christian believers have great regard for every day by simply acknowledging that it is a good day because God in heaven has made it by his holy hands. We, therefore, should rejoice because it is so! In the beginning, God created the earth and the day and he said it was good. We regard the day by simply saying one to another “Good morning.” When we say good morning what we are actually saying is that God made this day and it is good. Every time you say good morning you bless God for the work he has done! Every time you say good morning you are prophesying it is a good day because you are calling those things to be not as though they were! Every time you say good morning you bless yourselves because you are declaring that the morning and the day are good! God hears this and rejoices and he wants you to rejoice also because your blessing is ever before you!
We all must be mindful and walk circumspectly redeeming the time because the days are evil. Therefore, open your mouth and speak your blessings over your life and rejoice! Blessing your day by regarding it (acknowledging with respect) will guarantee you that you are blessed in God. Let there be no more regretful mornings. Let there be no more crankiness or moodiness. Let there be no more not speaking to your family members or neighbors even if they don’t speak back. You have regarded the day! Speaking to your family, your neighbors, and friends is a wonderful thing because you are to love your neighbors as yourselves, but many times your neighbors do not speak back, but your reward comes when you are obedient because every day is a day that God has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it! When you are obedient to God’s word you then will be blessing yourselves in God because you have regards for the day.
The grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.
“This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success” (JOSHUA 1:8)
“He that regardeth the day, regardeth it unto the Lord; and he that regardeth not the day, to the Lord he doth not regard it….” (ROMANS 14:6)
"That he who blesseth himself in the earth shall bless himself in the God of truth;..." (ISAIAH 65:16)
“This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it” (PSALM 118:24)
Glory be to God,
Reverend Helen Trower