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When one walks away from everything they have ever known to only embrace a sure destiny that awaits for their arrival then and only then can you say, “I have surrendered.” Surrender is a state of submission to any type of authority that has power over you or your situations. When one surrenders to authority it leaves a mark on them permanently. The mark reminds them that they must always surrender to authority. The mark is humility. You must always humble yourselves first with any type of authority in order to obey the rules or regulations. Humility slows down our senses and always reminds us that we are inferior to the highest.

When we were children our first encounter with surrendering would be when our parents told us to stop or “no.” Children are taught as toddlers not to do this or that. It is impossible to train an infant, but toddlers are the age where they can start to comprehend instructions. If Johnny tried to touch the hot stove, his parents would say, “No, Johnny. Don’t touch that. It’s hot.” Although an infant’s mind doesn’t understand what hot means. A toddler with much discipline does. Eventually, the toddler will surrender when the parents say, “stop.” Surrender is the action of yielding one’s person or giving up possession of something, especially into the power of another. This is what children do to their parents. Parents are an authority at all times. Therefore, children must surrender to their guardians.

Surrendering is a process that has to be taught since your childhood. As the course of life continues, children start to take on new forms of authority and surrendering. The next format for children surrendering would be their educators (teachers) and as they pursue, behold, working as an employee to their employers. Perhaps you are your own CEO or President of a cooperation. There should still be some sort of accountability as your Board of Directors or your respectable colleagues. In all scenarios of you being a Christian, it will be your pastors. And no one is left out, all men (mankind) are to surrender to the law of the land in all countries. We all have to surrender to someone.

Men and women of God after being trained and prepared for greatness for the kingdom of God, must have all the attributes to surrender to other fellowmen in the body of Christ. This would be the elders and the bishops, who God has placed in the body of Christ to guide you with godly wisdom and counseling for the edifying of the body of Christ. This circle of elders and bishops have no correlation with God’s holy apostles and prophets. Although you are a mighty woman and man of God, moving in miraculous signs and wonders, you too, must have a godly counsel at all times for guidance and direction.

Our heavenly Father God never gives it all to one person. It doesn’t matter how anointed or gifted you are, God will always bring someone into your life with all of your gifts and say through that woman or man of God, most likely an elder or a bishop, “surrender.” Your ministry may be beautiful and daunting at times to others because of the magnitude and demonstrations of the power of God. However, God will send someone in your life, a bishop or elder, when you are on display the most and flared your anointing and the power of God for the world to see, and out of the blue you will hear an echo by a bishop or elder of God and the sound goes like this: “surrender.”

The irony of many of the elders and bishops is that many of them do not have any gifts or demonstrations of God’s power. Nevertheless, God will use these wise men and women to keep you in perfect submission and humility to him, God himself. Let there be no mistake, the submission will be to the man (mankind), the surrendering will be to God.

If a woman is married, it is her husband whom she is submissive to. The woman’s husband is her head. There cannot be any other man she can be submissive to. Every woman is to be submissive to her own husband and believe it or not, God will speak through that woman’s husband for her guidance and counseling. If a woman is married, God will send an elder or a bishop in the woman’s life, not for submission, but for surrendering more to God. An elder or bishop, chosen by God, will, by the Holy Spirit, know if that woman or man needs to surrender to God more. If a woman or man is not married, but in ministry, they must be submissive to their pastors or to their elders or bishops.

This is the most crucial for great women and men of God that are chosen for greatness because the adversary will attack them with all diligence. Therefore, great women and men of God who are mighty in power with signs and wonders following them and gifts of the Holy Ghost and revelation knowledge and great wisdom of God must stand still and wait for the coming of a new entrance of the divine glory of God. This will be totally surrendering by God’s Holy Spirit. And you will say, “ I have already surrendered all I know how.” If God has called you to greatness and you are chosen, you are not a normal woman or man of God. You are as Moses and Elijah, and Apostle Paul was. These men moved with great signs and wonders like never before. Moses’ father-in-law counseled him, Priest Jethro. Elijah had no counsel and God took him up. Apostle Paul constantly had the elders surrounding him with counsel and with the Holy Ghost. This counsel is to keep us in the circle of God which we will remain safe and it will keep us humble.

This is the season that God has called many of his holy apostles and prophets, and great women and men of God that are chosen, to walk away from all they have ever known, including families. Jesus’ last call is for women of men to die to themselves and forsake everything they have ever known. This will be the most difficult task of all. Dying to self and forsaking everything you love will be very difficult but you will be able to achieve this through the Holy Spirit. When we walk away from the things that we love God will always bring us back full circle. God takes us away from all we’ve ever known and loved, to instruct our spirits and to teach us His will, and then He will give us back to the ones we love the most. This is God’s will and He will send another voice besides your own and this voice will be translated by the Holy Spirit and say, “surrender” and you will say, “I have already surrendered.” And the voice of God, through a clean vessel, an elder or a bishop of God by the Holy Ghost, will say, “surrender all.” Amen.

“Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body” (EPHESIANS 5:22-23).

He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me. He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it” (MATTHEW 10:37-39).

Glory Be To God,

Rev. Helen Trower



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